All in-person support groups are going to be canceled indefinitely at this point and we will post updates here and our Facebook page.

Photo Credit: Bethany Davis
Doctor of Speech Language Pathology:
Projects & Research
Contact Bethany for research interests on facilitating support groups for adults with neurological challenges.

Some of the projects and research completed by Bethany at Northwestern University:

Policy Analysis Project
As part of examining policy in our field, Bethany completed this analysis looking at the use of Speech Language Pathology Assistants and their value

Process Improvement Project
Using business principles of process improvement, this is a look at how to improve the efficiency and accuracy of how referrals are handled within a special education team.

Nonprofit Business Process Improvement Plan
A team project looking at the steps to grow the current nonprofit, The ABLEties Foundation, founded by fellow cohort member Elizabeth.
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Poster Presentation of Preliminary Comparison of the MOCA vs. MMSE
Working with another member of our cohort, Bethany & Belma examined the specificity and sensitivity between the Mini Mental Status Examination and Montreal Cognitive Assessment for predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Culminating Project
Bethany completed a systematic review looking at the Quality of Life (QoL) outcomes in support group interventions for adults with acquired brain injuries. These results will guide the next steps in further research projects within the state of Washington, working with other regional support group facilitators and state brain injury nonprofit groups.

Teaching & Learning Manifesto
As part of examining styles of learning and building experience in mentoring and teaching others in our field, Bethany completed a personal manifesto of her approach to teaching others.